Wicked Weeders 3rd December ๐ŸŒž

This Tuesday, the 3rd, we'll head back to Hipapatua and park down near the river. We will check all the plants in the older plantings and work our way back to the 2023 planting in the bowl. Many of these plants have been chemically released but the convolvulus is making a strong comeback, so weโ€™ll focus on pulling it back from the native plants. Weโ€™ll also stake any plants that need it so we can easily find the plants when we return at the end of summer, even if the weeds try to take over again.๐ŸŒฑ

Summer has certainly arrived so remember to cover up and bring some water along to keep hydrated. The ground is uneven in areas so good footwear, a sunhat, and donโ€™t forget your gloves. And I have been seeing a few wasps and bees out and about so watch out for them.

I will bring a few tools that could be helpful, such as grubbers and hand-releasing tools and some cut n paste ๐ŸŒฟAnd of course some tasty morning tea ๐Ÿฐ

930am-12 Hipapatua off of Huka Falls Road down by the river

(Previously known as Reids Farm)

Coming up ๐ŸŒฑ

December 10th: Releasing the plants alongside the river down below Rangatira Park at the Haimes Planting site.

December 17th Thank you Lunch ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ’šโค๏ธ

Robyn Ellis