Wicked Weeders 26th November 🌿

Only three more Wicked Weeder sessions until our summer break🏖️

This Tuesday, the 26th, we'll head to the new planting site at Hipapatua, near the top camping area. These plants have been chemically released but the convolvulus is making a strong comeback, so we’ll focus on pulling it back to give our new plants some breathing room. We’ll also secure the stakes to ensure we can easily find the plants when we return at the end of summer, even if the weeds try to take over again.🌱

It’s certainly warming up so remember to cover up and bring some water along to keep hydrated. The ground is uneven in areas and there is still a lot of broken glass and rubbish throughout so good footwear, a sunhat, and don’t forget your gloves.

I will bring a few tools that could be helpful but imagine we would be using our hands to untwine and pull out convolvulus 🌿

930am-12 Hipapatua off of Huka Falls Road

Parking should be available within the camping area where we will be working

Coming up 🌱

December 3rd We will spend another session at Hipapatua working through all the plantings.

December 10th: Releasing the plants alongside the river down below Rangatira Park at the Haimes Planting site.

December 17th Thank you Lunch 🍔💚❤️

Interested in predator control? Want to learn more about trapping and pests? 🐭

Thanks to the support of the Predator Free Trust, we have a free presentation and Q&A session with Cam Speedy on December 9th, from 5:00 to 7:30 pm at Wairakei Golf + Sanctuary. Cam is an absolute legend in the field, and it’s going to be a fantastic evening. If you are keen to come along, click on the following link you do need to register Taupō PF talk

Robyn Ellis