Wicked Weeders 8th August

Hi all.

Tomorrow the weeders will be heading to Hipapatua (Reid’s Farm, Huka Falls Road) from 1230pm

Aaron from Landclear will be clearing the September planting site with a mulcher in the next couple of days. I'm not sure if he will be coming close to the 2019 planting, but if he does, it would be good to have the plants released along the edge.

I will bring a selection of tools, including grubbers, shears, a weed eater, and afternoon tea.  Bring your gloves and wear suitable footwear for uneven, soggy ground. There may be a passing shower, and it could be a bit chilly, so bring your raincoat and a hat. The plantings are coming along nicely, and it’s a really beautiful place, so come along and enjoy.

1230 pm - 230pm

Just give me a bell if you are unsure where to go 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

Coming up…

We have Conservation week next week and we will once again try and get a few extras to come along and join into weeders. We have a slight change in time to work in with the Wairakei School students

Tuesday 15th August - Kauri Drive planting, more plants to go in and rubbish to collect. 11am - 1 pm

Tuesday 22nd August - Kahurangi Planting site TBC weeding from 1230pm

Friday 25th August - Kahurangi site preparation Novus glass and Haimes Builds will assist in the prep from 930am

Saturday 26th August - Kahurangi Community Planting, everyone is welcome! from 10am

Tuesday 29th August - Return to Kahurangi planting site to check plants from1230pm

Tuesday 5th September - Hipapatua from 1230pm

Friday 8th September- Hipapatua Setup from 930am

Sunday 10th September- Hipapatua Community planting everyone is welcome

Tuesday 13th September -Return to Hipapatua planting site to check plants

Robyn Ellis