Wicked Weeders 25th July 9am

Hi all. The Matariki community planting is happening on Wednesday morning. It should be a fun planting, with the community invited and a few schools joining us 🌳🌳

Tomorrow, Wicked Weeders will be helping set up the planting site, Mynoke vermicast needs to go in all the holes before the plants. There will be two deliveries of plants, one at 9 a.m. and hopefully the second between 12 and 1 p.m. The planting is at either end of the 2021 Matariki planting site, so we will need to ensure a mix of plants goes to both ends of the site.

We will also be receiving some plants from Council, these plants will fill in the gaps throughout the site.

From 9 am Rickett Street

Don’t forget your gloves; the ground is uneven, so it's best to wear some good footwear.

I will bring the wheelbarrow, some buckets for the vermicast and morning tea for all afterwards

We will return to the Matariki planting site on Tuesday, August 1, at 1230pm


We also have a community planting on Sunday at Wairakei. We are replanting an area that was once pine and has been logged. We do have the Wairakei school booked in to help set up the planting site all day Friday, so we should be all good with enough hands to help, but you are more than welcome to join us either Friday or planting on Sunday from 11 a.m.

Just give me a bell if you're unsure where to go at 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

Robyn Ellis