Wicked Weeders 6th June

Hi all, I hope you all had a lovely long weekend doing what you hoped to get done; for us, it was mainly relaxing after a busy week ending with a super successful Greening Taupo Day event on Friday. The 3mm (it felt like 30) of rain at 930 a.m. on Friday was frustrating, but it didn’t ruin the spirit of the day, we had a fantastic turnout and loads of fun had by all. Thank you to all that helped with the preparation for the planting day, and it was nice to see a few of you brave the rain and check out the event on the day.

For Wicked Weeders tomorrow, we will return to the planting site and check all the plants, I can imagine that there will be quite a few to replant as we were unable to do a planting demo and there were loads of little and new people joining in. We will also finish spreading the remaining mulch.

See you all at 1230 tomorrow off Crown Road

It looks like the weather is okay tomorrow; bring your gloves and any handy tools. I will bring a collection of tools and afternoon tea.


Robyn Ellis