Wicked Weeders 13th June

Hi all. I hope everyone has had a great week.

For Wicked Weeders tomorrow, we are returning to the Centennial Drive planting site. There is a bit of broom to cut and paste and a bit of blackberry to release from the 2021 plants; the plants are doing really well, but so is the blackberry. We will be getting it controlled in the spring, and it will be good to get the blackberry cleared off the plants beforehand.

See you all at 1230 tomorrow on Centennial Drive between AC Baths and the Taupō Golf Club at the first planting site.

It looks like a nice day tomorrow; bring your gloves and any handy tools. I will bring a collection of tools and afternoon tea.


Coming up…

On June 20, Rachel and Heidi will be leading the Wicked Weeders, as I will be presenting at Council. They have a plan for doing some Weeding at Brentwood Gully. More details to come :)

Robyn Ellis