Wicked Weeders 20th June

Hello all.

Rachel has offered to lead the Wicked Weeders this Tuesday as I am doing a Greening Taupō presentation to Council. She needs some Wicked Weeder help in Brentwood Gully 😁

This time, Rachel would like to meet up near the bottom of the gully, off Lakewood Drive. There is an area of plants that need to be found and released from the tall grass, and then staked. There is also a small amount of blackberry threading its way through the plantings, so it would be good just to keep that cut back. Weeding is up the gully.

You may want to help some students do a wee bit of planting. Planting will be across the road (Lakewood Drive) in the more established area to plant some ferns under the canopy.

I have given Rachel some grubbers and afternoon tea.


Don’t forget your gloves and good footwear, there shouldn’t be any showers, but be prepared and best bring a coat :)

Have a good time

Robyn Ellis