Wicked Weeders 9th of May

For Wicked Weeders tomorrow, I think the rain will ruin all plans, so we will cancel tomorrow. But the week is not over; we have a community planting event this Saturday along Centennial Drive​, all are welcome to join in, ​​​and it looks like the sun will join us from Friday which will be much appreciated.​​

The plants will be delivered Friday morning ​at ​about 9 am, we will need helpers to unload and place the plants​ ​out.​ So if you can make it Friday don’t forget your gloves, I will bring some trays, 2x wheelbarrows and morning tea.

We will return on the following Tuesday, the 16th,​ at 1230​ to check the plants and finish anything off,​ such as mulching or staking​ if required.


Robyn Ellis