Wicked Weeders 2nd of May

Hi all.

We had a fabulous planting on Saturday with a good turnout, and it all once again went smoothly because of the awesome support we get from all the hard work that gets done beforehand by our outstanding volunteers. Thank you!

Wicked weeders are now into winter hours and will be held from 1230pm to 245pm.

We have another planting coming up in a couple of weeks at the 2020 Arbor Day site on Centennial Drive, so for tomorrow I’m keen to head along and tidy it up, mostly gubbing out the blackberry that’s coming back.

Rain is certainly in the forecast, but it could ease off a bit by tomorrow afternoon, so I’m being positive and planning to head out.

I will bring some grubbers and afternoon tea. Don’t forget your gloves and a rain jacket will be sensible.

1230 - 245pm

Just give me a bell if unsure where to go at 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

The plan for the upcoming weeks is

The planting event on Centennial is on Saturday, May 13th; we will see how much needs to be done on this Tuesday to see if we need to be there again on the 9th. We will then need helpers on Friday, the 12th, for plant setup.

Returning on Tuesday, the 16th, to check the plants.


Robyn Ellis