Wicked Weeders 16th May

We had another fantastic planting this weekend on Centennial Drive. All 1700 plants went in, all have been nicely mulched, and all 160 sausages got eaten. For Wicked Weeders tomorrow, we will return to the planting site and check that the plants are good in the ground and stake any that look like they need it. If we finish off with a bit of time to spare, it would be good to walk around the back boundary of the site and cut back any blackberry that is starting to encroach over the previous plantings.

See you all at 1230 tomorrow on Centennial Drive between AC Baths and the Taupō Golf Club

It looks like a nice day tomorrow; bring your gloves and any handy tools. I will bring a collection of tools, stakes, ties and afternoon tea.


Robyn Ellis