Wicked Weeders 7th March

Tomorrow weeders will be back at Hipapatua (Reid’s Farm, Huka falls Road) from 930am

We will continue on from the planting site at the southern end down by the river, we will head up and around releasing the native plants along the boundary of the planting site and the wall of convolvulus, blackberry and any other surprises you may find. We may even head over to last year’s planting and see if any need releasing.

I will bring a selection of tools incl grubbers, shears the weed eater and morning tea.  Bring your gloves, and wear suitable footwear for uneven soggy ground. It’s good to see the sunshine and it’s supposed to be a fab day tomorrow so bring your sunhat and slap on some suncream.

930am - 1130am

Just give me a bell if you are unsure where to go 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

The plan for the following weeks is

From next week we will spend a little bit of time at the Taupo Golf Club getting ready for our first community planting :)

Robyn Ellis