Wicked Weeders 21st March

Hi all, if the rain holds off till later in the day tomorrow weeders will be back at Hipapatua (Reid’s Farm, Huka falls Road) from 930am

We need to continue releasing plants from last year’s planting site and the previous ones, the grass and the weeds have all gone a little bit crazy, there are a lot of fantastic native plants underneath all the weeds we just need to free them.

I will bring a selection of tools incl grubbers, shears, the weed eater and morning tea.  Bring your gloves, and wear suitable footwear. Hopefully, we get the job done before the rain arrives, bring a raincoat just in case.

930am - 1130am

Park up by the amenities down towards the river

Just give me a bell if you are unsure where to go 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

The plan for the upcoming weeks is

Tuesday 28th we will be back at the Taupo Golf Club to help prepare the planting site and harvest some bamboo for the planting day.

Friday 31st March plants are being delivered from Treeline and Corrections, support for unloading and placement of plants within the site would be much appreciated from 9 am

Sunday 2nd April Taupo Golf Club community planting - all welcome from 10 am

Tuesday 4th April we will be back at the Taupo Golf Club to make sure everything is looking good - checking plants, spreading mulch and staking if required.

Robyn Ellis