Wicked Weeders 14th Febuary

Cyclone Gabrielle has totally ruined all plans for our weeding session this Tuesday, we were supposed to be working alongside Taupo Intermediate in the Crown Park Gully obviously this has been cancelled. You all stay safe and dry while the wild weather blows over.

Rachel has managed to re organise a group of students to visit the gully on Friday the 17th from 1115am, plan is to release and stake the plants making them easier to locate in the future. It would be wonderful to have some wicked weeder support to work alongside the students to ensure that we have a successful morning and get as much done as possible.

Rachel has also extended the invite to another school for an earlier visit to the gully but we have not heard back yet if they are keen to attend.

You are welcome to come along on - Friday 17th March

10 am-12

Remember your gloves and there is a bit of blackberry so cover-up

I will bring tools and morning tea (I will see if I can get another batch of Valentine cookies made they are tasty)

Grubbers will be useful and maybe some shears to carefully cut back the blackberry from the plants

Off Crown Road park up behind the schools and follow the track down into the gully to the right.

Hopefully, the weather improves and we will see a few of you on Friday

Just give me a bell if unsure where to go at 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

Robyn Ellis