Wicked Weeders Tuesday 5th September and the 8th

Hi all,

The plan for tomorrow was to head to Hipapatua, where the community planting is going to be on Sunday. Tidy up the edges (Blackberry and a few branches), help put a few holes in and pick up a bit of rubbish. There could be a bit of rain coming, which is good for the plants but not fun to weed in. With the latest forecast, it looks like showers are set in for tomorrow, so we will postpone until Friday 8th. Plants are arriving Friday from 9 a.m. with a second load arriving at 12:30 p.m. So far, Friday is looking 🌞 so we will be able to do some tidying up after unloading the first load of plants.

🌳See you all Friday 8th September from 9 am

Park up in the Winter campground. This is just before the turnoff from Huka Falls Road to head down to Hipapatua. I will bring a selection of tools—a wheelbarrow, spades, loopers and morning tea. Don’t forget your gloves.

Coming up…

Sunday 10th September- Hipapatua Community Planting: Everyone is welcome

Tuesday 12th September -Return to Hipapatua planting site to check plants

Friday 15th September - Supporting Hatepe Planting from 930am

Robyn Ellis