15 November 2022
Thank you to all that turned up for last week’s event, it was great to see the loader there moving all the mulch around, it certainly made it much easier for us. It was a really successful day with 200 students turning up and they pretty much put mulch around every single plant (4000+). This is really going to help the plants tolerate the hot, dry and wind at Crown Park during summer. We just now need to work out some sort of watering routine for Jan/Feb 2023.
For Wicked Weeders Tuesday 15th of November we are going to head to the Matariki planting site, alongside the Waikato River. It’s another school-wide event, not all could make it last week so we are providing another opportunity this week. It would be awesome to get some weeders along to support as the plants and the weeds have grown well. At the lower site there is some mulch that can be spread around but some plants need to be found and released on the bank below the ECC before mulch can go on these and then staked so they can be found again at a later date :)
And up top, more looking for plants and staking and there is also a mound of mulch up here that can be spread around the plants that are clear of grass and weeds.
I will bring a selection of tools along with the wheelbarrows, stakes and the morning tea. Don’t forget your gloves, the ground is uneven so good footwear, it’s getting hot and sunny so don’t forget a sunhat and sunblock. I have also noticed wasps are becoming active so keep an eye out for them.
930am - 1130am we will park up the top and go from there.
Just give me a bell if unsure where to go at 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments
The plan for the following weeks are: (but could change)
22 November - Owen Delany SPCA Arbor Day Site - you can’t miss the broom here at the moment if its wet we could do Hipapatua as we won’t be using cut-n-paste here just clearing convolvulus.
29 November - Whakaipo Bay Living Legends Gully
6 December - TBA - Im on school camp this week
13 December - Thank you Lunch :)
Happy Holidays till we return on the 31st of January 2023- We may have some wicked watering support required in January but we will keep you informed.