29 November 2022

For Wicked Weeders Tuesday 29th of November we are going to head out to Whakaipō Bay, and check out the Living Legends planting site, there could be some broom that we will cut and paste and look out for some wilding pines to deal to.

I will bring a selection of tools including loopers, paste a couple of hand saws and morning tea. Don’t forget your gloves, the ground is uneven so suitable footwear, it should be a beautiful morning tomorrow so don’t forget a sunhat, sunblock and a jacket for the unexpected passing thunderstorm. Wasps are becoming active so keep an eye out for them.

930am - 1130am Head along Mapara rd , turn left to head down to Whakaipō Bay. The Living Legends planting is down along the left off the access road. We will park halfway down at the gate, where we have parked and done weeding before. Hopefully, i will get there before all and you will see me

Just give me a bell if unsure where to go at 027 6288008 or drop me an email for any comments

The plan for the following weeks are: (but could change)

6 December - Im on school camp this week, Rachel has offered to lead the weeders this morning and would like some help within Brentwood Gully

13 December - Thank you Lunch :)

20th December - thought I would just squeeze this one in, Acid drop is getting rather overgrown with biddy-bid and grasses so if we could whip through and release the plants, Sarah or Bruce will be able to come through with a weed-eater or a spray to keep them all free.

Then Happy Holidays till we return on the 31st of January 2023- We may have some wicked watering support required in January but we will keep you informed.

Robyn Ellis