This reserve is part of the Waikato River corridor, TDC is very supportive to improve this area working alongside Greening Taupo. TDC has started clearing areas of reserve land from weeds where community participation along with Taupo District Council and Greening Taupo restoration has started.
The intention for this area would be replace pines, blackberry and broom with native forest by felling or poisoning pines and allowing existing native trees to recover, supplemented with planting of suitable tall forest trees.
Through the work of Greening Taupo, a number of restoration projects throughout the town have been initiated and maintained in collaboration with our community, including a number of planting sites at Spa park.
As part of the ongoing maintenance of these restoration sites at Spa Park, in addition to large public community planting days it is proposed that businesses or community organisations get involved. Previously we have had church groups, home school and professional staff engagement days, Cheal has joined in sponsoring plants per attending staff member this enabled us to infill gaps within these restorative planting areas,
Restoring at Spa Park has also included Kids Greening Taupo (KGT). KGT is an education and environmental programme that connects schools to an authentic purpose for teaching and learning. KGT sits alongside Greening Taupo and complements the overall objectives of the project.
Students have a restoration site at Spa Park and lead a annual community Planting event, through involvement and participation in this project students of all ages will interact with each other as well as with local industry professionals to take action.